Friday, January 20, 2006

Rock Star

Pippin is completely overwhelmed by the response he's gotten on his first day as a blogger. So far he has 110 hits today (to be updated once the day is complete), which is more than Brent or I have EVER had in one day. (My biggest day ever was 107.) Brittney even featured his new blog on Nashville is Talking. Pippin really enjoyed reading all the comments he got today, although he really, really wants to know why none of the people who come from Nashville is Talking ever leave comments!

Have a great weekend!


Blogger mouse said...

my roommate and I were watching television last night and there was an AmEx commercial with a bunch of little animals on it. All of a sudden my roommate goes, "That looks just like Pips!" (I had showed her the video of Pippin eating string, because she was asking why I was laughing so hard) And then she said, "my God, I don't even follow these people's blogs, and I'm recognizing their dog in commercials."

it's like Pippin's totally famous or something.

6:17 AM  

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