Thursday, January 26, 2006

Distinguished Sir Pippin

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

October 13, 2003 - A much smaller Pippin

No, I am not choking Pippin. I'm giving him a single-handed hug.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Spending the Day with Daddy

Today I spent the day at home (recovering from my neck injury) and Pippin couldn't have been more excited! He spent all day laying in the sun in the dining room while I spent the day on the couch. He's a typical teenager.

Monday, January 23, 2006

This is how it has to be.....

I think Pippin is going to be wearing this a lot more for the next couple of weeks:

We got our heating bill (gas) today. OMG, $280. Seriously, it's not even that warm in our house!! Insane. The worst it's ever been is $190 a few years ago when gas spiked. Insanity, I tell you. Can I strike the gas company???

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Summing it up

This picture totally sums up our weekend - rained out. I bought Pippin this little rain jacket back in the spring when we started walking. (How I long for green grass and budding trees!) It was too long so I took it back but not before we got some good pics of the look. No walk today, it's been raining ever since I got up and I don't think it's ever going to end. Pippin is so depressed he's done nothing but sleep all day. Except when he rode with me to pick up some lunch, although the heated seats in the Expy did make him a bit drowsy!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Staying Warm

This picture was taken during Pippin's very first winter, 2003-04. Back then he didn't have a lot of body fat, so on colder days he spent a large majority of his free time warming himself over the vents in the floor. Every winter when we first turn the heat on he migrates back to the vents. Who needs heated seats when you've got vents and chew toys!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Rock Star

Pippin is completely overwhelmed by the response he's gotten on his first day as a blogger. So far he has 110 hits today (to be updated once the day is complete), which is more than Brent or I have EVER had in one day. (My biggest day ever was 107.) Brittney even featured his new blog on Nashville is Talking. Pippin really enjoyed reading all the comments he got today, although he really, really wants to know why none of the people who come from Nashville is Talking ever leave comments!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Beginning

This picture was taken the very first day we brought Pippin home - early October 2003. He was a bundle of energy (no change there), but when he crashed he crashed HARD.

Your prayers have been answered...

Due to popular demand we have created this site to welcome people into the exciting world of our puppy, Pippin. We will post a new picture or video each day and often have interesting facts and tidbits about the little guy. We may even have a podcast if you are interested in listening to him grunt or snore for 15+ minutes. Anyway, sit back and enjoy this exciting adventure and check back daily for the latest pic.